
Snow White:

Funny how her signature color is red when the most prominent colors in her dress are blue and yellow. Someone explain.

If Snow White and the Evil Queen were the fairest of them all, how ugly must the rest of the women have been?


I'm always sad when they destroy her mother's dress, the only thing Cinderella has left of her.

It took me years to notice that Cinderella's stepsisters are flat-chested!

Why does Anastasia look like the mother of the Prince?

I don't know why but it bothers me a lot that Anastasia's name is the odd one out. CinderELLA, DrizELLA. Why not Arabella or something like that?

In the original movie the stepsisters are shown to have no talent, but in Cinderella III they can suddenly sing?

Am I the only one who hates Cinderella III? It ruins everything that happened in the original.

The glass slipper is originally supposed to be a fur slipper. It became glass because of a translation error, and thank goodness for that. How ugly would that have looked?

This is Cinderella in the movie. Strawberry blonde hair, silver dress.
This is Cinderella in the franchise. Blonde hair, blue dress.
Get it right, Disney!


Am I the only one who thinks that Sleeping Beauty deserved a real live-action remake instead of Maleficent? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original and that's not fair!

Speaking of live-action movies, I don't really like Elle Fanning as Aurora, but others are even worse cast! Jasmine isn't even colored, WTH? And Ariel is colored even though she's white.

Are you team blue or pink? I'm Team Pink all the way!

King Hubert's and King Stefan's children were betrothed. But they ignored one thing. What if Aurora was a boy? 


So, you're telling me that Attina already wore a crown and an up-do at eleven years old? We can tell them apart without their hairstyles, WE ARE NOT STUPID, Disney!

My wishes for the live-action movie:
- Ariel needs to have red hair!
- I hope all of her six sisters are included and are cast properly, meaning they look like in the original and TLM III. (Alana with black hair etc. Not like in the Cinderella re-make where they switched Anastasia's and Drizella's haircolors.) I can't wait to see them coming to life.
- Maybe they could also sing more? We've only heard them singing Daughters of Triton, but we didn't hear them as individuals.

Why is Ariel the only princess with a child?


Let's be honest. There is no one who isn't disappointed by the Beast in his human form.

Am I the only one who's actually triggered that there's only ONE BRUNETTE DISNEY PRINCESS?
Yeah, I know Rapunzel is actually a brunette but she's blond in the franchise as her blond hair is her trademark!


The actress for the live-action remake was very badly cast, even worse than Aurora (but better than Ariel). Her skin color is so wrong!


Couldn't he have kept it a little longer? The haircut is very ugly!


Can Rose Red be a brunette, probably with blue eyes for a change? I as a girl with brown hair and blue eyes feel discriminated.

I wish Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella were musicals and we could have heard the songs in a more modern way in the remakes. Also, I would've liked to hear the princes again as we only heard them singing in operatic voices.

Everyone always talks about why several princesses don't have a mother, but everyone ignores that in the fairytales, Snow White (died at childbirth), Cinderella (died of illness) and Belle (unknown) didn't have a mother either. The little mermaid's mother was never mentioned either, implying that she's dead.


Ranking of live-action actresses:

6. Ariel - I never thought I could be more disappointed than my fifth place, but here we go. I don't have to explain, do I?
5. Jasmine - She's too light, and her hair is not black. Save to say, I wasn't thrilled.
4. Aurora - Elle Fanning doesn't resemble Aurora at all. In my opinion, a bad choice. Aurora deserved better (a real remake and a more fitting actress)
3. Cinderella - Even Lily would have been a better choice for Aurora, but I'm fine with her being Cinderella even though she has brown eyes and not blue ones unlike the animated character. The one I'm having problems with is the Prince.
2. Belle - I think they could've gone for a lesser known actress, but I can't deny that Emma was quite fitting. After all, she has brown hair and eyes like Belle. I just wish she was a better singer...
1. Mulan - You might say it's easy since she's Asian, but when I saw the movie poster online I was like: "This is perfect".

Ranking of the princesses' voices:

8. Snow White - Her voice is a little pitchy/screechy but that might be due to the sound quality.
7. Aurora - The only reason I didn't put her last is that a lot of people would disagree with me. It is pretty overrated, a shame since I like Aurora. I just don't like her singing voice at all. It sounds too old. Aurora is 16, ffs. Listen to the French version of OUAD, it's much better. (Not only her voice, but also his)
6. Cinderella - The first three princesses finish last in my ranking. Maybe I just don't like the old singing style.
(Pocahontas - I keep forgetting about her, but her voice is not bad.)
5. Tiana - Ranking the voices got very hard at this point. It's different from the others so I'll give her that.
4. Belle - I'm indifferent about her voice. Sometimes I like it, but sometimes something bothers me about it. I can't say what it is though.
3. Jasmine - Her voice is a bit too high in my opinion, but I like it more than the others. The voice actress sounds a bit better as Mulan.
2. Rapunzel - I'm surprised myself. It used to be lower, but it grew on me.
(Mulan - see Jasmine's comment)
1. Ariel - Well, that was obvious, wasn't it? A lot of people agree with me on this one.

Ranking of the Princesses:

8. Snow White - I never really liked or cared about her. She was one of the first princesses I knew but I never thought she is beautiful, quite the opposite. Were the other women too ugly or how was she the fairest of all? Also, she barely has a personality.
(Pocahontas - I really don't know why but I can't warm up to her.)
(Merida - Same problem here. I keep forgetting her sometimes.)
7. Rapunzel - I don't mind her, I just like the others more. Also, she depends on a man a bit too much because she wouldn't have escaped the tower without him.
6. Tiana - What I like is that she's independent and wouldn't have needed a man (It was more the other way around), so: GIRL POWER! But still, I'm pretty indifferent about her, I can't really explain why.
(Mulan - She's getting a boost for spreading a good message to girls by not being overly feminist like the others.)
5. Aurora - Ranking got difficult at this point. She used to be my favourite when I was little because of her pink dress. I just wish she had more screentime and more of a personality because she appears very passive.
4. Ariel - The only princess that fights for a man (It's the other way around in the other movies). She's a bit selfish as she doesn't think about her sisters and father when trading her tail for legs. I have a soft spot for her though, mainly because of her sisters.
3. Belle - Being brunette is a big plus, and yellow suits her very well. She probably spreads one of the best messages since she doesn't "judge a book by its cover". She's also very brave for sacrificing herself so that her father can be free. 
2. Jasmine - I initially had her ranked lower but I changed my mind. She has the best name of all princesses, and her hair is amazing. She's very active for not being the main character.
1. Cinderella - Funny thing is that she used to be my second least favourite but my sister changed my mind. The dress is probably my favourite, even though it's silver, not blue. If only she would defend herself against her stepfamily though... It made her appear weak. The third movie fixes that, at least.

Ranking of the princesses' faces:

8. Snow White - Easy one. I already explained everything.
(Mulan - I don't like Asian faces a lot in general.)
(Pocahontas - There's just something about her face that I don't like. Her franchise version looks very off.)
(Merida - I don't really like the CGI animated faces. The drawn ones look better.)
7. Rapunzel - I don't like her teeth, and she looks better with the long blonde hair. As a haircolor I prefer brown but the haircut is simply ugly.
6. Tiana - There's something about her face I don't like. Maybe it's the shape? Or the dimples?
5. Cinderella - She looks better in the movies than on the franchise. Why can't they get her haircolor right? It's too blonde in the franchise.
4. Aurora - She looks a bit too old for her age but it's better on the franchise since her face shape is softer there.
3. Ariel - Her hair definitely makes her stand out.
2. Jasmine - I'm indifferent about her nose, but I like her hairstyle.
1. Belle - So, her name is fitting. Brunettes rule! (It would be even better if she had blue eyes though).

Ranking of the princesses' signature dresses:

(Pocahontas - At least the colour suits her.)
8. Snow White - I don't like it really much and I don't even know why. Maybe a one-coloured dress would have looked better? Probably red since that colour is missing and is also her signature colour. 
(Mulan - There are different versions of her dress, so which is the "right" one?)
7. Rapunzel - I don't like the style of the dress, and it's a bit short. It makes it look like she's grown out of it.
(Merida - I'm not a big fan of the design, but the colour looks really good on her!)
6. Ariel - I'm going with the pink dress since she can be seen with it on the franchise. The colour suits her, but the sea green looks best on her!
5. Jasmine - The only one in this list without a dress. I like the colour, even though I always thought it's more turqoise.
4. Aurora - Team Pink! I wish I could rank this higher, but I just like the others more.
3. Tiana - The green dress is beautiful, and really goes well with her skin colour.
2. Belle - Yellow/gold suits brunettes well. They couldn't have chosen a better colour here.
1. Cinderella - This is my favourite dress. It plays a large role as of why it is my favourite movie.

Ranking of favourite princess movie:

(Pocahontas - I don't like her this much, so I don't care much about the movie either.)
8. Snow White - She's probably last in every ranking. I don't like that she's so inactive, and the Prince is kind of... just there?
(Brave - I haven't seen the movie enough to have an opinion about it.)
7. Tangled - The old movies were more emotional instead of funny. I miss the nostalgic Disney feeling, but maybe the 3D animation is to blame for that?
(Mulan - The movie doesn't touch me this much.)
6. Princess and the Frog - I like it more than the previous.
5. Sleeping Beauty - It's kind of "dark", but I don't get why it flopped. If only Aurora had a bigger role though and wasn't that weak...
4. Beauty and the Beast - The message gave it a boost.
3. Aladdin - The last princess movie I watched. I can't decide whether to rank it third or second.
2. Cinderella - Before I saw TLM, it was my favourite, basically because it was my sister's.
1. The little Mermaid - I already teased it. When I saw it four years ago I fell in love with her sisters so I have no choice but to rank it first.

Ranking of RBTI-remakes:

Not including Rapunzel, Merida, Elsa, Anna and Moana since they are already CGI
9. Cinderella - Poor Cinderella! What have they done to her? She's supposed to be 19 in the original, but she looks like a child in this. What's wrong with her ears? AND DISNEY, FOR THE LAST TIME, SHE IS NOT BLONDE! Cinderella was really done dirty in this.
8. Pocahontas - What happened to her? Does she seriously have brown hair now?
7. Tiana - Why did they change Tiana (not that I complain), but not Cinderella? They both deserved better.
6. Mulan - We don't see her a lot, but she looks weird.
5. Jasmine - I wasn't impressed at first, but she looks more Arab now.
4. Ariel - At first I didn't like it, but I have to admit she doesn't look bad. I would have preferred her hair completely loose though.
3. Belle - She looks good.
2. Snow White - I don't get the criticism, she looks a lot better than her drawn form!
1. Aurora - She looks amazing! I'm really impressed.

Ranking of the Princes:

8. Beast - I think everyone knows why he is last and most people would agree. I don't like long hair on men in general, and I don't like his hair color either. If only his hair was shorter and a bit darker. I like that he has blue eyes though. One of the prettiest princesses got the ugliest prince.
7. Prince Naveen - It's like with Tiana. I can't warm up to him, and I think I prefer him as a frog. He has one of the best singing voices of the princes though.
6. Prince Florian - When I was little, I got a Disney Princess coloring book, and I thought that he was the best looking. It changed though after seeing the movie. His voice is too deep and doesn't suit him at all since he looks rather young compared to his mature voice.
5. Eugene/Flynn - I'm indifferent about him. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't. I'm not fond of his hair. He definitely shouldn't be a hairdresser, that much is sure. Credits to him for liking brunettes though.
4. Prince Phillip - Aurora used to be my favourite when I was little, but I wasn't a big fan of him. He is getting credits for having a personality and fighting for her (for which he even has to kill). That scene when he tries to escape Maleficent's tower though - damn!
3. Prince Eric - Something about him bothers me. He's not that handsome in my opinion and looks older than he actually is (18). He looks... I don't know the word for it and I don't know how to describe it. Sleazy? I'm not sure. The second prince after Phillip to kill the villain.
2. Aladdin - For once, I don't mind long hair. He's not arrogant unlike some of the others, but he looks a bit young (younger than his supposed age 18).
1. Prince Charming - That's probably the bias of Cinderella being my favourite movie. I didn't like him that much when I was little. He is so hilarious in the third movie though. Him jumping out the window gets me every time.

Ranking of couples:

8. Belle & the Beast - Why did the most beautiful princess have to get the least handsome prince? It really annoys me!
7. Snow White & Prince Florian - Or whatever his name is... Snow White isn't last for once! I like him more based on looks though. When I was little I thought it's a pity he got the least beautiful princess while he was the most handsome prince in my opinion.
6. Tiana & Prince Naveen - Hard decision. We basically saw their relationship develop when they were frogs and barely saw them interact in their human form. They look good together though.
5. Ariel & Prince Eric - I really can't explain why they are so low. There's something about them I don't like.
4. Aurora & Prince Phillip - I'm sad we didn't get her reaction at the end. They could have at least spoken a few words together after she woke up.
3. Rapunzel & Flynn/Eugene: Once again, I'm surprised. I felt like I initially underrated them and changed their ranking.
2. Cinderella & Prince Charming: It's a pity they deleted the scene where they reunited. I would have liked to see it.
1. Jasmine & Aladdin: They are literally perfect!

Ranking of signature songs:

8. Someday my prince will come - It really looks like I'm hating Snow White, doesn't it? I just don't like her voice so I can't rank this higher.
7. Almost there - Is this really the signature song of the movie? Because it's different from the others... not in a good way.
6. A dream is a wish your heart makes - I'm not a big fan of the older songs. It's not bad, but I prefer the others.
5. Once upon a dream - The instrumental is why I ranked it above ADIAWYHM. I like the title.
4. I see the light - This was surprising. I like it more than the previous.
3. Part of your world - I sometimes mistake it with I remember from the third movie. It's still one of the best songs.
2. Beauty and the Beast - The only song in the list that isn't sung by one of the protagonists, but it's the most famous song of the movie since it's also named after it.
1. A whole new world - Jasmine's only song in the original movie, and one of the best scenes in a Disney movie. Fun fact: It's the first song of a Disney princess I knew, but it was the last princess movie I watched. I actually prefer the live-action version.

Best voices:
Snow White - Bulgarian/Castilian Spanish/Italian 1972 (Prince)/Polish 2009/Portuguese
Cinderella - French 1991/Latin Spanish/Polish/Portuguese
Aurora - French/Hebrew/Mandarin
Ariel - Bulgarian/Canadian & European French/Portuguese/Russian(H.M: Castilian Spanish/Polish/Hebrew/Scandinavian countries)
Belle - Portuguese/Russian/Slovak
Jasmine - Croatian/Polish/Swedish(H.M: Bulgarian/Hindi/Italian)
Mulan - Brazilian Portuguese
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