Charmed Theories
The question why Wyatt is more powerful than his younger brother despite Chris being the son of an Elder can be easily answered.
The most obvious answer of course is: Wyatt is the first-born. The first-borns are the most powerful, as we've seen with Prue. Piper came close during season 3 when she developed a new power, but since she couldn't control it Prue remained the most powerful until her death. After that, Piper took over her position. Phoebe as the originally youngest one was – and probably still is – the least powerful. So the younger you are, the less powerful you are. In their case, that would be Melinda, since she should only be a witch and not a hybrid. Additionally to that, Wyatt was born on a special day based on a prophecy. So it makes sense for him to be more powerful than his sibling.
Another possibility: Half-Elders don't exist since they aren't even supposed to live with people. When it was discovered that Melinda could orb despite Leo being clipped off his wings, it was explained that he had enough Whitelighter-DNA left in him. This could imply that Elder-powers aren't part of DNA and therefore can't be passed over. Not all Elders have the same powers (since one of them couldn't even orb), and being an Elder is more of a status, anyway. Also, Wyatt possesses powers that not even Elders do.
This brings us to the next point: The Chris that came from the future was actually the son of a Whitelighter. It is implied that Leo became an Elder later. That's why he appeared so much weaker than his brother who, as we already pointed out, would be more powerful by default as the first-born. The newborn baby Chris could actually have more powers.
Others suggested that the spirit realm might have influenced his powers since Piper's and Leo's powers didn't work there. But they might not have ended up in the ghostly plane in the alternate timeline Chris came from. Since Leo still had his Whitelighter powers in his DNA after becoming a mortal, it can be assumed that Piper's powers are also in her DNA so it shouldn't affect Chris. When he reappeared, it was probably still the same Chris since his mission wasn't fulfilled yet and therefore the future was still the same, so his powers weren't affected and if they were, he just wasn't aware of it. We see that he has powers when his future self from the new timeline orbs, so this theory is most likely invalid.
The last possibility is that he just didn't show all of his powers to not give away his identity, he didn't have all of them yet or just didn't want to misuse them seeing how Wyatt abuses his powers. Paige as a half-whitelighter also only got her powers over time, and we actually see her using way more powers than him. But why should she have more powers, especially since she's the youngest and he's the son of an Elder? We only know for sure that he isn't able to heal (yet) since he mentions it, but he could have the other Whitelighter powers as well. She only learned how to heal in the last season, so maybe he also has to develop them first? Piper and Phoebe (as well as Prue) also got their second and third powers later. And, Paige was obviously older than him when she gained that ability. So, besides healing, he might actually have the same powers as Paige but either hasn't discovered them yet or just didn't use them. He doesn't even have a power for himself since Wyatt has all of them and more. But, as pointed out earlier, his powers could have changed due to the new timeline. And maybe he isn't as powerful as his brother because he has to balance him out, and they aren't supposed to be more powerful than the Charmed Ones.
How was is possible that males could be born into the family after three centuries of female witches? The answer is simple: Their ancestor, Melinda, prophecied that each generation would become stronger until the arrival of three sisters. The Charmed Ones fulfilled that prophecy, thus making it possible for male witches to be born. It didn't matter that it was four sisters, since the first three would get the Charmed powers (and Paige only has whitelighter-based powers)